This post is very different from what I normally share here, usually this blog is literally all fun and games. Today I wanted to share something more serious which has been on my mind though.
I work from home and my wife is a High School teacher. She has a long commute to work, and school starts very early. She’s often on the road before the sun rises. As my own work day starts, and ends, much later, she is the one primarily responsible for getting our pre-school age son to daycare every morning. As it’s a struggle to get out the door on time, I do what I can to lighten the load the night before by preparing his lunch and refilling my wife’s water bottles.
This was our routine for a couple years. Now, even though covid has stopped my wife from going to work, and kept my son out of daycare, I still continue my water bottle filling routine after everyone else has gone to bed.
My son also has a water cup he uses throughout the day and he just recently thought to ask why Mommy always had water in the fridge but his cup was usually empty in the morning.
After the initial “Oops” reaction, since neither my wife nor myself thought of it on our own, we told him that Daddy fills them and now I fill his cup as well each night.
It’s a tiny thing, literally less than a minute of work, but it makes our son incredibly happy knowing his Daddy fills his water cup for him each night.
So remember, with our children, the little things truly matter.