This is the first event I haven’t finished in a while. I managed to finish the first 100 floors, but I only made it to floor 15 in the second half. It wasn’t because of difficulty as it was fairly easy, it was strictly due to time.

Normally I can grind my way through an event by logging in twice a day and using all my energy. That was not an option here because the limitation was how long it took your servants to rest, not how much energy you had. Even while using the Hot Springs it still took close to two hours for them to be usable again. It was closer to four if they couldn’t use one of the five slots. Real world obligations (like work) prevented me from maximizing my efficiency. To further exacerbate matters, I spent as much time waiting for the game to load, if not more, as I did playing. I was so frustrated by loading screens by the end that I took a stopwatch and timed them!

That being said, I loved the design behind the event. It forced me to use many servants I had previously ignored. The event reminded me that a lot of servants have really fun Noble Phantasms. It also made me appreciate how capable a bunch of my less used servants are. I certainly plan to use Chacha, Lancer Vlad, and Lancelot more often!
It was also fairly profitable. Not only did I earn event rewards, but I also increased my bond with a lot of servants which in turn earned me more saint quartz in addition to unlocking voices or quests.
The only improvement I would make would be to tie servant fatigue to the number of floors completed. Instead of making us wait hours to use them, make us wait 10 or 20 floors. This would force people to use a larger variety of servants instead of simply waiting to use their strongest.
I’d write more, but Kiyohime is currently staring at me, eager for help with the chocolate factory.
Let me know if I should continue to write this type of post, and let me know how you fared in the comments!
Thanks for reading.