Recently I was asked if I had any suggestions on assessing what ChainGuardian’s NFTs to buy in order to increase one’s hashrate and power. While I’m not willing to give financial advice, I’m certainly willing to help my readers gather some of the information they need before making an informed decision on their own.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with ChainGuardians:
ChainGuardians is an anime and cryptocurrency inspired turn based strategy game. The browser based game has been available to the general public for about a year and a half. Even though the game is inspired by cryptocurrency, and utilizes block chain assets, it plays like a normal game and will be possible to play freely on release.
In addition to the Turn Based RPG, ChainGuardians has a gas-free mining platform which allows you to earn multiple currencies (both on and off chain) and is closely related to ChainBoost a “NFT & DeFi Focused
Incubator and Boostpad”. If you are interest in either of those things, feel free to check out the official sites or let me know you are interested in the comments and I’ll put an article together.
Having gotten that out of the way, lets dive into Hashrates!
First, it is important to know that this information is subject to change at ANY time. The cryptocurrency and NFT markets are VERY volatile. In addition Opensea recently made some major changes which effectively reset the market.
Again, do NOT take this as investment advice. I am simply summarizing the current state of the ChainGuardians NFT market.
Before even looking at the market, you need to be aware that you can play and mine for completely free.

- Everyday you log in to the game, you can summon one free one star lieutenant. It will have a hashrate of 100.
- After collecting 9, you can burn 8 of them to upgrade one to a two star lieutenant. It will have a hashrate of 200.
- After collecting 9 two star lieutenant’s you can again burn 8 of them to upgrade the remaining one to a three star lieutenant. This will have a hashrate of 300.
After 9 days you will have a full 900 hashrate team. Every 8 days after that you can upgrade one unit and raise your hashrate by 100 until you eventually have a 1800 hashrate team COMPLETELY FREE. Assuming you also leveled these units in the RPG, you will have a competent team for a large portion of the RPG.

If you want to spend money, you can find the ChainGuardian’s market on opensea here — https://opensea.io/collection/chainguardians?search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE
The link is fully displayed to help prevent people from stumbling across scammers.
The current ChainGuardians’ NFT floor:

As you can see from the above table, while prices vary substantially, hashrates fall into four categories:
- LOW (330): This is reserved for Lieutenant level two or three star characters. They have better game utility and hashing than what you can get for free, but not by much. These are typically between 0.1 and 0.2 ETH per character.
- MEDIUM (550–850): This is where three star and higher (non Guardian) units tend to fall. They have substantially stronger game utility. These tend to start at 0.25 but can go pretty high.
- HIGH (900+): You are unlikely to find these below 1 ETH. These are the most powerful “Guardian” units and have the highest hashrates starting at 900 and depending on mint number may go as high as 1500.
- SPECIAL: Depending on Zorare’s colors he ranges between 850 and 1400. Captain Devex on the other hand, allows you to manage a mining pool.
Everyone needs to decide how much they are willing to spend. There are a LOT of people currently attempting to mine, I’ve seen blocks with up to 600,00 hashrate. Even if you have all top tier characters you are going to have a tiny fraction of the pool, 2% if you are lucky. The vast majority of winners come from one of mining pools. In fact my own pool, The Software QA Defense League does fairly well with close to 20% of the pool. Provided you have at least 5 randomizers (with 500 Hashrate) you are welcome to join!
Its also important to remember NFTs from other projects MAY contribute hashing power as well! Its important that you consider what you already own, depending on rarity they may very well hash better than the free units!
I hope this helps you puzzle out ChainGuardians Hashrates a bit. Feel free to ask questions in the comments and don’t forget to clap and subscribe if you want me to write more!