It was hard to decide which Guardian to feature in my final “Meet the Guardians” post before turning my attention towards the game itself. The choice came down to Seth Butler, Mudra or Lolita Lee. We haven’t really seen any information about Seth, and Mudra has gotten a lot of attention as he is cross promoted by MATIC Network. That left poor Lolita as the Guardian most deserving of some love.

For anyone who needs a reminder of what Chain Guardians is:
Chain Guardians is an upcoming anime and cryptocurrency/blockchain inspired turn based strategy game. Though it is a crypto inspired game, for the most part it looks and plays like a traditional game.
Lolita is the second character to have part of her story revealed on the official website, and is by far the most tragic. I will summarize it as you really should read the official fiction rather than relying solely on me. A child was captured by the Gatekeepers, taken from her family to be trained and experimented on. She ends up alone, her sole companion a sentient mechanical bear backpack. Somehow she finds the strength to survive, to fight back, and to wield the power of Earth and Fire.
She is the second weakest of the Legendary Guardians, but still packs a whopping 88/100 power. Rumor has it that she will gain bonuses from working with Kumabaggu too. While we cannot currently use her in the alpha, she is one of the enemies we fight and she definitely hits hard!

Hopefully her story will have a happy ending once we defeat the Gatekeepers!
Want to learn more, but don’t want to wait?
- Visit the official website
- Read my previous article explaining mining.
Missed my previous “Meet the Guardian” posts?
Already familiar with cryptogames and want to jump in?
Use my referral link to head over to opensea and look around at whats for sale.
Tune in next time to learn about the Alpha!