Last week I made a fairly long post about the first batch of MLBC quests to show people what to expect. Since then there have been MAJOR changes. This will be a quicker, less image heavy, post discussing them.

Initial Quest Roll Out: April 18th to April 21st
As you may remember from my last post, they slowly rolled quests out in the beginning. They had the Bellinger Promo for 15,000 caps, and then a single quest each day. The price and base rarity of the draws increased during this time period and it was pretty clear they were sizing up the demand.
Full Quest Roll Out: April 22nd to April 27th
During this time period they had three quests a day, one for a rare (blue) trait at 5,000 caps, one for an ultra rare (purple) trait for 10,000 caps and one for an epic/legendary (yellow) trait at 20,000 caps. It was fairly demanding grinding for 35,000 caps a day, but worthwhile over all.
Price Doubling: End of April
April ended with a price doubling for the ultra rare (purple) and epic (yellow) quests. While rares remained at 5,000 caps, ultra rare increased to 20,000 caps and epic increased to 40,000 caps. Epic further increased to 50,000 on the 30th. This priced a lot of people out of them. Even if frustrating, this was a reasonable change for protecting the value of figures. It also made it harder to get into the higher divisions with your favorite teams which is a good step toward protecting the value of the weekly leader board prizes.

May Luck Guide You: May 1st to Present
With the start of May, they made a terrible decision. They left the prices at the same thresholds of 5,000, 20,000, and 50,000, but they changed the 50,000 quest. Now you were paying 50,000 caps for a 10 percent change at an epic figure. You could easily spend 50,000 caps on a worthless common (red) figure. This was a terrible decision and all except the most motivated spenders I talked to stopped buying it.
May the Forth Be With You: May 4th Energy Special

The much anticipated Green Energy Bat promo happened instead of normal daily quests on the 4th. You could get a guaranteed energy bat and glove for your team, which was good, but you could also gamble for more which was poorly executed.
For 50,000 each you could buy a bat and glove figure for the team of your choice. These figures are rerollable so if you don’t like the traits or who you got you could sacrifice 300 rarity worth of players to get a new one. While it was hard to get that many caps, it was definitely something worth grinding for!
The 10% chance for 25,000 caps was a terrible idea on the other hand. As with the regular daily 10% quest you could end up with garbage. In fact the highest rarity I received was a 24 uncommon (green) figure. The other 5 I gambled on were all commons (red) with less than 15 rarity. Unless you are really lucky, the only ones who came out ahead were the bots.

To make matters worth, on the fifth they sold Energy Bat Pro Packs for 1000 diamonds. According to the in app shop, one diamond is worth 9 caps, making these packs effectively cost 9,000 caps. This screwed over anyone who spent diamonds on the 4th hoping to get more items. Not only that, but these packs included four other figures further reducing the actual cost of the energy items. I, and many others, are rather displeased with how they handled this promotion.
What Does The Future Hold?
My gut feeling is that they have almost settled on their price point for different rarity items. I expect to see some more changes in the future though and am cautiously optimistic they will change how they handle the daily epic quest to make it more reasonable. Since they are doing something similar with the weekly leader board rewards this week they should get a good measurement of the community reaction by the end of next week. Unfortunately this week’s results will be completely skewed by May 4th grinding.
Did you get any good draws this week? What are your thoughts on the latest quest tiers? How many energy bats/gloves did you walk away with?
Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to like and subscribe if you want more MLBC articles!