My Latest Fantasy Baseball Addiction — Moonshot Baseball

5 min readJun 28, 2022


If you are reading this post, you probably already know I’m a fan of fantasy baseball and believer in the potential of blockchain technology.

I used to be an avid follower of MLBC before the game failed, and still think they created amazing NFT bobble-heads. I also followed more traditional fantasy games like Topps Bunt and Yahoo Fantasy Baseball. Unfortunately neither of those fully scratch my Fantasy Baseball itch.

Despite being a free game, Bunt felt way too greedy, and had a poor fantasy implementation. Yahoo is great from the fantasy perspective, but feels lacking without some sort of collectible side.

I have finally found a game which seems to meet my needs — Moonshot Baseball.

The website,, is fairly simple, but don’t let that discourage you. The developer and discord community are both very friendly and helpful.

Once you get there, you will learn there are two collections — the “Main Collection” and the “Baseballers Collection”. The Main Collection is what unlocks the fantasy baseball game.

The main collection on opensea —

Each NFT in the main collection is tied to a team and a position. They avoid having to be licensed by not actually using team logos, but its still obvious which team each NFT represents. This NFT is then automatically entered in Moonshot’s daily fantasy contest.

Hmm… A picture of a Friar in San Diego… I wonder what team that is. ;)

Field positions are automatically entered in the “Daily Hitter Contest”. The owner of the NFT which corresponds to the player who got the most bases will win a wETH prize. With a little luck you can quickly earn back your initial purchase price. That being said, up to 100 people can own each position and the prize is split among all the winners. Choosing the position of a star player like Aaron Judge will take a lot longer to pay off than a surprise winner.

This is a GAME. This is not investment advice. Do not spend anything you are not willing to lose.

Pitchers will automatically be entered in the “Daily Pitcher Contest”. Whichever team’s pitchers gives up the fewest bases will win a wETH prize. There are only 30 different pitchers though, so while it is possible to recoup your spending, it will take MUCH longer. We also are most likely past the point of no return for crazy fans (like me) who decided to splurge and buy one of each pitcher.

Sample Screenshot of the Pitcher Contest

Prizes vary week by week based on how many NFTs sold the previous one. That being said, there is more to the game than simply gambling on how a player performs. The first time you buy from the Main Collection you will automatically be airdropped a full team of Baseballer Collection NFTs so you can participate in the Monthly tournaments.

Sample Baseballer NFT

Each additional purchase will earn you two more players. Also, joining the discord server will earn you another free baller. I’m not sure if this is still the case, but if you mention my name “@ledeir”, I hopefully get one too. At the very least tagging me in the discord channel will let me know that someone actually found my article interesting.

My team in the currently ongoing June Tourament.

Each baseballer has randomly generated stats. The collection can be found here though you probably don’t need to buy any unless you are looking for something specific. These NFTs will show up in your “hidden” folder on opensea. I will happily discuss them in another article if you wish!

Once you have a collection of baseballers, its just a matter of waiting for the announcement for the next tournament. Then you can see how your team stacks up against the rest of the community, and win prizes EVEN IF YOU SUCK.

The prizes for the June Tournament.

I’m really enjoying the daily contest and the tournaments. The community is great. If you have around ten dollars to spare, I definitely encourage you to at least snag a pitcher or the position of your favorite player.

If you do decide to purchase from opensea be advised these NFTs are on the second layer Polygon blockchain. Polygon is built on top of the Ethereum mainnet and is much more environmentally friendly. Gas fees are negligible, but you do need MATIC for gas. You will also have to transfer the funds from mainnet to Polygon, but that can be done directly through opensea.

I’m happy to answer any questions and I’ll be posting the summary from May’s tournament “relatively” soon. If you need help getting funds on Polygon, let me know and I’ll do my best to walk you through it.

Thanks for reading! See you on the field!

This is not investment advice, I am discussing a game I enjoy. Do not spend anything you are not willing to lose.




Software Engineer who dabbles in fiction, TV/Movie reviews, and crypto gaming