While working on an article about the Chain Guardians Alpha, it struck me that a cheat sheet would be handy. I’m not going to tell you have to beat the bosses, as they don’t have visual giveaways, but I’ll help you beat the generic soldiers.
At it’s core, Chain Guardians is a big game of rock, paper, scissors. Each enemy has an appropriate counter attack based on their stance. The wrong attack will do no damage regardless of how strong the character is, so its important to think before you click.

In the above screenshot, you can see my soldier has three different attacks to choose from. One of those will do no damage, one will do partial damage, and one will do full damage. The question is which to pick. As a boss type unit he doesn’t have a giveaway, but others do.

Fist Stance: These soldiers are weakest to Slash attacks and immune to Thrust attacks.

Shield Stance: These soldiers are weakest to Thrust attacks and immune to Strike attacks.

Sword Stance: These soldiers are weakest to Strike attacks and immune to Slash attacks.

It is important to note that attack type is only ONE of the variables which goes into damage. Even when I try to be as consistent as possible, the damage dealt still varied. You still need to learn what works best against any given opponent!
Good luck, and have fun.