In my rush to put together an opening day fantasy battle, I wasn’t as clear as I should have been about the rules. I had intended to solely focus on Thursdays games, but unfortunately I never explicitly said that. To that end I am actually declaring two winners, the first is the person who scored the most on Thursday alone, and the second is the one who scored the most among all teams’ opening games.
The games were also lower scoring than I had expected, so rather than giving the winners the option of claiming caps based off their score, I made it a set (higher) amount instead.
Both winners have the option of getting 1723 Caps rather than the ~500 caps they would have earned based on points alone. Since the only way to transfer caps is through buying a figure on the market, I chose a random seeming number to make it easier to find.
If anyone is curious why I chose the numbers, it’s simply derived from Game Day 1, July 23rd.
If the winners wish to claim their caps, put the junk card of your choice on sale on the MLB Champions market for 1723 caps and shoot me a message with your username. I’ll purchase it as soon as I have the chance regardless of who or what it is.
With that out of the way, congratulations to Satankmo for winning Day 1 and Joe Reds for winning opening day for all teams!
We only had five entries (plus one which got lost traversing the internet), so it didn’t take me too long to calculate the results. They were all fairly close.

My team actually had the most points day one, but as the host of the contest I was ineligible for prizes
I definitely learned a bit from this contest, and if I ran another one I would definitely adjust my point system so that the winner was not strictly determined by the pitcher’s performance. Regrettably without an automated means of parsing the MLB API data, it’s too time consuming to be practical, so I likely won’t attempt another fantasy battle before the playoffs.It’s really a shame that Lucid Sight has apparently abandoned their application since they already did all that work.
Despite that I haven’t given up on attempting to put our MLB Champions NFTs to use. My current thoughts are to run a yahoo fantasy league using our NFTs to determine the initial draft. If I get enough people who are interested, I’ll put something together.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and congratulations to the winners!