Even though MLB Champions is long dead, you can still view your minted figures even if they aren’t displayed in opensea. Its a bit of a roundabout process, but it will hopefully get easier in the future.

For those unfamiliar with MLB Champions, it was one of the first professionally licensed blockchain sports games. You could collect NFT bobble-heads of real players as well as participate in a fantasy baseball type game. The game ran from 2018 until 2020 before losing its MLB license. It did a LOT of things wrong, and was re-written each year, but one thing it did right were the bobble-heads.

The 2018 and 2019 bobble-heads can be easily viewed (and purchased / sold) through opensea, but the 2020s are hidden behind a generic placeholder image. Fortunately, and much to our surprise, the developers have NOT fully abandoned us. In fact they are still working on it 2 years later!

The website FAQ provides instructions on how to read the DNA of each bobble-head online and they provided a tool which will render the image. Theoretically they will even provide an API which will allow marketplaces (and any other sufficiently tech-savvy site) to automatically render the bobble-heads.
In the event the official site goes down, I’ll include the instructions here:
- Look up your figure’s ID.
- Look up your figure’s name and handedness.
- Head over to https://dcd2df.colyseus.dev/ and fill out the form.
- Enjoy the 3D Render or screenshot for posterity!
Finding your Information
There are multiple ways to find your bobble-head's information. The easiest is to view the bobble-head on a site like opensea and copy/paste from there. In fact you don’t even need to look at the page, the ID will be at the end of the URL: https://opensea.io/assets/0x8c9b261faef3b3c2e64ab5e58e04615f8c788099/249072

Alternatively you can do it manually.
- Find a list of all your MLBC Token. This is as simple as replacing “WALLET” in this URL with your wallet address. https://etherscan.io/token/0x8c9b261faef3b3c2e64ab5e58e04615f8c788099?a=WALLET#inventory
- Note down the token ID you want to look at.
- Click on the “Contract” tab

- Scroll down and expand “24. getCollectibleDetails”

- Enter your token’s ID, click Query, and note down the attributes and player ID.

- View the player’s official MLB page (you can google “MLB” and the number and it will most likely show up)

- Note down the Name and handedness (B/T: L/L or similar)
Filling out the Form
This is straight forward. Specify the character’s handedness, name, ID and DNA in the form. If it is a “special” character, such as the Babe Ruth or Dodgers promotions, you may need to provide an override ID as well.

My 2020 Collection
These steps are a headache. Hopefully they will be automated soon, but I’d rather just include screenshots here. Enjoy!
If you are anti-NFT/blockchain I certainly won’t tell anyone if you right-click.
Alternatively if you are a blockchain believer like myself I’m certainly not opposed to selling some of them. Each image has a link in its subtitle. Some of them are even on sale currently.
One last reminder, they ARE 3D rendered. If you go through the process yourself you can view them from any angle.

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