Sticky Fingers by JT Lawrence: Not horror, but at least a little twisted.Here is my (mostly) spoiler free review of each story in JT Lawrence’s “Sticky Fingers” anthology.Mar 8, 2024Mar 8, 2024
Trader Joe’s Turkey Burger ReviewA quick review of Trader Joe’s Turkey Burgers.Aug 2, 2023Aug 2, 2023
The Burger Challenge — Impossible VS BeyondThis week’s grilling adventure was comparing the Impossible Burger with the Beyond Burger.Aug 1, 2023Aug 1, 2023
Lost Tome of Monsters delivers!Foam Brain Games just delivered on their Lost Tome of Monsters kickstarter. They are an amazing resource for fantasy tabletop RPG GMs.Dec 22, 2022Dec 22, 2022
Moonshot Baseball Tournament 4 Pre-Game ReportMoonshot Baseball Tournament 4 Begins Monday! I’m ready, are you? There’s still time to join!Jul 9, 2022Jul 9, 2022
Moonshot Baseball June Tournament After Action ReportI did mildly better in my second Moonshot Baseball tournament but have a long way to go. I’m excited for the next one which begins 7/11!Jul 8, 2022Jul 8, 2022
Moonshot Baseball May Tournament After Action ReportSummary of my experiences in my first Moonshot Baseball Simulated Tournament.Jul 3, 2022Jul 3, 2022
My Latest Fantasy Baseball Addiction — Moonshot BaseballMoonshot Baseball is a fun blockchain based fantasy baseball game.Jun 28, 20221Jun 28, 20221